Wednesday, December 3, 2014

An Amazing Holiday Month

A month of amazingness has gone by. My "holiday" season is almost officially over. I am back and ready to post, create, paint and scheme. I have some awesome ideas coming up from all the mini-paintings I have been creating and would love some feedback (poll open until 12/5 11:59pm) --->

In the past month:
I have had my first sight of floating/falling snow in my remembered history!

Visited Pennsylvania and climbed a (little) mountain.

The View of State College from Mount Nittany

Celebrated a birthday (not my own)!

Had Thanksgiving with friends and visited Alex on the ship - no pictures to be posted, but he did juggle basketballs!

Put up a Christmas tree, painted ornaments and opened presents!

Alex painted this one!
I painted this one!
Oh and we climbed soo many things.

Belaying in Milton - Great Rock Gym up there!

Climbing in Jax, The Edge Rock Gym

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